Palm Sunday – Whose voices WON?
The voices that cried “Hosanna” five day later were crying “Crucify Him”! Did these loud voices WIN?
Easter Devotional
Loud voices screamed, “Crucify!” Did these voices ultimately prevail?
Memorials – WHAT is the GREATEST MEMORIAL?
As we quickly advance to Easter, we will see the greatest memorial EVER. The CROSS OF CHRIST. Yet, even now we see memorials to brave men and women who give their lives for others – Read more…
Blaspheme the Spirit – Can this still happen?
Jesus tells the Pharisees that blaspheming the Spirit is unforgivable. Can we commit this sin NOW?
Tail Wags the Dog
Just as the tail can wag a dog, so also can out tongue or WORDS have a huge impact on our lives! Have you ever said something that you regret?
Lord of the Sabbath
Have you ever met a famous politician or actor? There is something GREATER that you need to meet!
Joy in the Morning
How do you feel most days when you get up? Do you look forward to the day ahead? Join us as we learn to look forward with joy!
A Woe and A Welcome
Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel that you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? This video is for YOU!